Dr. Cherlisa Jackson has served clients in psychiatric care for over 13 years and has spent the last six specializing in psychosexual therapy. Knowing that the black community is disproportionately affected by STIs and all other sexual traumas, Dr. C...
Dr. Cherlisa Jackson has served clients in psychiatric care for over 13 years and has spent the last six specializing in psychosexual therapy. Knowing that the black community is disproportionately affected by STIs and all other sexual traumas, Dr. Cherlisa became inspired to open her own practice S.h.e.e.r. (Sexual Health Education, Esteem, & Relationships) where she helps couples and families increase their confidence and strengthen their relationships.
According to Dr. Cherlisa, it is crucial to establish boundaries before getting into a relationship. Rather than getting caught up in all of the things that you want, it is more important to first understand what you do not want. When we are honest with ourselves and understand our deal breakers, we are more likely to make productive decisions.
Tune into this week’s episode of Southern Soul Stream Live for a raw conversation with Dr. Cherlisa Jackson about sex and relationships. Learn more about the difference between chemistry and compatibility, the importance of honest communication, and how to make informed decisions that foster transparent and healthy relationships.
• “I think honesty is probably the best thing. Communicate from the beginning and be flat out honest about what you actually want within somebody you're talking to.” (09:02-09:11)
• “When you skip that friendship step, you miss a lot of the compatibility stuff and you go straight into chemistry.” (11:13-11:19)
• “As a couple, you’ve got to be able to think together and people don't know how to do that if they skip being able to be compatible.” (14:12-14:17)
• “African American people are disproportionately affected by all things sex.” (15:33-15:36)
• “When it comes to why we are not protecting ourselves, most of the research shows that condoms look suspicious or break the mood and people aren't interested in doing that because they want to build trust. So when you take away protection, it's like a means of building trust.” (15:49-16:02)
• “The minute I pile someone else on top of my hurt and I don't work to filter through it or heal it, then it just becomes a bigger problem for the person I'm currently getting over.” (20:03-20:13)
• “You have to start with what you don't want so that you understand your boundaries, deal breakers, and what you're not willing to accept.” (32:31-32:39)
• “We see all these memes running around about red flags, and it's all because we don't establish deal breakers.” (32:58-33:04)
Connect with Dr. Cherlisa Jackson:
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