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Feb. 11, 2022

“Conquering Diabetes”: Disrupting The Landscape of Adult-Onset Diabetes

“Conquering Diabetes”: Disrupting The Landscape of Adult-Onset Diabetes

For most of his life, D.J. Jones struggled to maintain a healthy lifestyle. After being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, nearly losing his eyesight, and suffering a stroke, D.J. knew he had a choice to make: change or die. It wasn’t until D.J. realize...

For most of his life, D.J. Jones struggled to maintain a healthy lifestyle. After being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, nearly losing his eyesight, and suffering a stroke, D.J. knew he had a choice to make: change or die. It wasn’t until D.J. realized that most of what he knew about dieting was not true that he began to see real change. Today, D.J. is living diabetes-free and is committed to helping others disrupt the landscape of adult-onset diabetes to lead happy, healthy lives. 

According to D.J., one in three Americans is either diabetic or pre-diabetic. This is largely due to the culture America has adopted around eating. Not only do we eat high levels of sugar and carbohydrates, but many of the healthy alternatives sold to us are filled with chemicals that cause disease. Like most people, D.J. thought his diabetes diagnosis was a chronic life-long condition. After properly educating himself, D.J. learned that the disease could actually be reversed by reframing his lifestyle. Not only did D.J. lose weight, lower his blood pressure, and get rid of his diabetes, but he has also been the catalyst for change in his family. 

Tune into this week’s episode of Southern Soul Live Stream for an honest conversation about the diabetes epidemic. Learn more about the science behind diabetes, the truth behind diet culture, and the importance of making positive lifestyle choices, so you can prevent disease and increase your quality of life. 



• “Diabetes is not a chronic progressive condition. You can control it and you can turn it around by changing your lifestyle.” (05:50-06:03) 

• “I believe that one of the reasons I was put here on this earth is to be what I like to call a wounded healer. All of the struggles and things that I've gone through, God is using to provide deliverance for other people.” (10:02-10:18)

• “The received wisdom that we get from the medical profession, tells us. things that are counterproductive to having a healthy life.” (12:21:12:30)

• “The things that I thought I was doing to help myself were actually serving as a hindrance.” (17:45-17:51)

• “Too many Americans have long lifespans but don’t have good health spans. They take a bunch of pills in order to keep them alive, but those pills don't help give them a good quality of life.” (24:03-24:16)

• “More than 120 million people in this country alone are either diabetic or pre-diabetic.” (24:24-24:30)

• “If your mama and your doctors aren’t giving you good advice, after a while you will give in to the messages that you're inundated with from the people who want to sell you tacos, burgers, pizza, and fried chicken.” (42:21-42:45)

• “Don't preach to your family because they are going to tune you out. You just have to be an avatar for the change you want to see happen with your family.” (43:34-43:45)

• “A standard serving of soda used to be a nine-ounce can. And then it went to 12 ounces. And now most places when you go to get a meal, they serve your soda in a container that is as big as 48 ounces.” (47:27-47:52)



Connect with D.J. Jones:

• Beating Diabetes: Cure Yourself of Type 2 Diabetes and Get a Slimmer, Fitter, Sexier Body as a Bonus – https://www.amazon.com/dp/0998730424/


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